Vaccines- Latest Information!

 The development of Vaccines has continually increased over a few months and according to recent statistics, nearly 700 million doses have been rolled out in countries of Level 2 to level 4 and are set to accelerate at a greater rate. However, in some countries, people are still hesitant to take the vaccines as they believe they may have some harmful or drastic side effects. Even in some countries, if the production of vaccines is at a higher rate, the intake is considerably low.

China has vaccinated nearly 1 billion of its people and is continuing to increase over a period of time. However, in some of the Level 1 and 2 countries, the delta variant and other evolved forms of viruses cause such harm that the availability of vaccines. The situations are much dire in most of the countries and the necessary precautions must be made.

With the delta variant wreaking havoc over some of the European countries, Jonnson and Johnson have announced that their single-shot vaccine has proved to be most effective against the delta variant and also shows that the durability of immune response once injected lasts for nearly 8 months.

Recent studies also show that the vaccines developed by Pfizer and Moderna(mRNA Vaccine) are showing better immune stability than previously mentioned reports. The reports have shown that after taking the second dose, the vaccine provides a robust immune response for a period of 12 weeks and also can provide low-level supplementary protection for over a year!

A virus named covid-19

The vaccines are being developed at a rapid phase and Pfizer is planning to introduce the vaccines for the age group of 5-11. With the children more vulnerable to the newly evolved delta variant, Pfizer is planning to introduce the vaccine for such a group probably in the month of September to October. Moderna is also working on pediatric clinical trials to get their vaccine approved for that specific age group. It is also to be noted that Moderna's work against the delta variant also found to be successful and might be used to tackle this delta variant.

With many Level 1-2 Countries not receiving any vaccines and the vaccines that are available are coming to an end, it is high time that the officials can help and distribute vaccine to such nations so as to reduce the deaths and vaccinating and improving their immune response at the same time!
